イーストアングリア大学 法学部卒業
Brainwaves Englishの講師のジョナサンです。
Brainwaves Englishを通じて、英語を必要としている、より多くの方々のお手伝いができればと思っております。ビジネスに役立つ英語を学びたい方、試験のために勉強したい方、海外旅行に行きたい方など、あなたの目標を達成するためのお手伝いをさせていただくと同時に、学習のプロセスを楽しむことができるようなレッスンを提案していきます。
Hello. My name is Jonathan. I am the teacher for Brainwaves English.
I have always been very passionate about reading and writing, and interested in the intricacies of the English language. This began my desire to help others learn English.
I have been lucky enough to teach people in multiple countries and worked at various schools. This includes more than six years of English teaching in Japan. Throughout these experiences, I often found students struggling to relate to the materials being used. This gave me the idea to create fully customised lessons for each student. No longer abiding by the one-size-fits-all style, but instead assessing the needs of students and creating effective lessons to best help them reach their language goals.
It is a job I find incredibly rewarding, particularly when I see the quick progress students make. I hope to be able to help more people with their individual English wants and needs here. Whether someone is interested in studying the language to assist their business, or for an upcoming exam, or to travel abroad; I can design lessons that will assist you to achieve your goals and enjoy the learning process at the same time.
I am a sociable and friendly person, so please feel free to contact us and enquire about lessons, or if you see me around the city, say “Hello”.